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Matt Hammond-Collins
{ Sixfish }
Penguin by Moonlight
Acrylic on canvas, Age 8
Tucan Forest
Ink on a lampshade, Age 11
Salamander Family
Coloured sands on particle board, Age 11
Coloured sands and natural elements on particle board, Age 11
Landed Flyer
Pencil on paper, Age 11
The Origins of Sixfish
Ink and watercolour on paper, Age 12
Coloured pencil, Age 12
Summer's Here
Ink on silk, Age 12
Master of the Skies
Acrylic on canvas, Age 12
Childish Imaginings 1998-2004
As a child, I always had a fascination for art. As a playful child, I took my artistic ability for granted. I did it because it was fun, not because I thought I was any good at it.
After a few years of fun and games, I decided to take it more seriously, and got involved in art classes once a week. This opened me up to the possibilities before me, and I thrived in that environment.
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